Happy Fall Y’all as we say in West Tennessee. At the end of June, we were hoping for middle ground in the tug of war between interest rate hikes and inflation. The problem with the statistics we all hear in the news is that some of them are leading indicators (present) and some are lagging indicators (past). This causes the news media to pump out mixed signals as to the real health of the economy. There is no question that prices are dropping across the board for American consumers. Google search trends tell us that “how to become a real estate agent” was a top search query from January ’21 to January ’22. That should have been a clue. The easy money from selling real estate, cars, and recreational items is drying up for the time being. So, what does the future hold? Here are a few thoughts to keep us all in the boat and paddling forward.
The new year is fast approaching, and it’s hard to believe that 2022 is nearing its close already. As this year wraps up, there are some tax related changes from 2021 to be cognizant of as we begin filing our 2022 tax returns. Below are some of the more relevant changes to be aware of:
Many “experts” on TV use economic forecasts to tell investors which direction the market is going. Billionaire investor Stanley Druckenmiller says high rates will cause a recession that will depress the stock market for years. Ray Dalio (another billionaire investor) says that it is the war in Ukraine and US-China tensions that could devastate the economy and our investment accounts. There are countless other gloomy forecasts, but they all have one thing in common: these forecasts are merely guesses.
We have been blessed to manage money for some of our clients for over 20 years. In that time, we have seen great change in not only in the global landscape but also in the array of investment options available. The tools we have at our disposal today are cheaper and more able to pinpoint exact areas of the market that we wish to invest in. As the landscape evolves and the debate of active investments versus passive investments continues, one thing has not changed for us: your unique needs and risk tolerance.
After being halted for a year, RMDs are back! Those with traditional IRAs and who are 72 years and older must take annual required minimum distributions (RMDs).
At Southern Capital, we are not just concerned with helping you achieve your goals, but also with helping you reach those goals in a way that is appropriate for you. One of the ways we accomplish this is by ensuring that your portfolio risk is adequate to meet your personal goals while not exceeding your capacity and tolerance for risk. To assist us with this process, we utilize Nitrogen, an award-winning risk alignment software. Nitrogen generates a personal risk number to pinpoint how much risk you want, how much risk you need to take to reach your goals, and how much risk you have in your portfolio.